纪录片最后林说"(Hamilton) He reached out of the Chernow book and grabbed me, and wouldn’t let me go until I told his story."这是每一个艺术创作者都渴望拥有的“浪漫时刻”皮格马利翁式的incarnation 《薄冰全集40集免费观看》创作并大热于奥巴马时期你能感受到短短几年前那个自由的、热情洋溢的、极具自省力和宽容度的时代氛围而当这部音乐剧以流媒体的形式再现时我们才发现奥巴马时代和那段激情澎湃的建国史一样都已成为过去
The opening three half minutes and music r fabulous. lots of dutch angle makes a bit sick and uncomfortable, however great cinemagraphy to learn from. shift facts ended ironicall, definitely a great movie.